Our Hens

Our Hens

Always 100% Free Range

What Breed?

Our hens are a Hyline Brown. These hens are very docile and friendly. They will lay a medium/large egg which is ideal for our customers. They enjoying heading outside every day and exploring our woodland and meadows.

What do we feed our hens?

We feed our hens on highly nutritious feed which consists mainly of four ingredients, wheat, barley, soya and sunflower. Alongside a few other micronutrients this is what keeps our hens healthy and laying perfect golden eggs. Everytime!

The Range

Come 9am everyday the doors are open and our hens are out into our ranges. The ranges consist of woodland, meadows and plenty of shelters. With the hens having vast amount of acres to explore we feel this freedom really impacts the taste of your eggs. Check out our gallery to see our hens enjoying the outdoors!

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